Authorization for Disposal/Destruction UConn_RC-108_rev.2024 (Form-RC-108)** Use this form to request permission to destroy University records after the records have met the minimum retention period. For more information, visit the Record Destruction Authorization page.
**Please do not use the “email button” on this form. Rather, download and complete the form and then send as an email attachment to**
Authorization for Disposal of Original Paper Records Stored as Digital Images (Form_RC-140) Use RC-140 to request the destruction of the paper records that have been reformatted to a digital medium. Reformatting your paper records to a digital medium is permissible when the Digital Imaging Policy [under revision] and Standards are followed. Adherence to this policy, related standards, and form completion only applies if you are considering the new digitized format as the official record copy. Call with questions.
Certificate of Disposition for Information System Records (Form RC-109, UITS only): UITS is required to complete this form annually by December 15. The authorized form pre-approves the routine destruction of most records and data listed on Information Systems schedule (INFOSYS). Any record series listed on the InfoSys records schedule with the disposition instruction “destroy in agreement with Certificate of Disposition for Information System Records” is covered. All other record series in the InfoSys schedule AND any other records require the usual destruction authorization via form RC-108.